Implementing GoComet

Enhance Your Supply Chain Efficiency with Expert Guidance

We are committed to ensuring our customers achieve quick time-to-value and maximize the benefits of GoComet as swiftly as possible. To facilitate this, we have a team of implementation experts and project managers dedicated to assisting every customer in getting started on our platform

Implementing GoComet

Transforming your logistics experience in 4 steps


Our team ensures GoComet fits your process, identifies integrations, and offers more details on integrations.Click hereto learn more about integrations.



Project Kick-off: The Customer success team ensures onboarding with interactive exercises and help guides repository created just for you.



After all initial setups are done, the team is onboarded it is time to experience the magic of GoComet with Go-live



Our customer success team stays with you even after the deployment to ensure you get the best value of the platform.


Hear From Customers About Quality of our Support

Our support does not just end at onboarding. With weekly review calls, quick email responses we are with you to ensure you have the best implementation experience.

Event choosing

Select the specific event or action on GoComet that you want to integrate with your system. This event will initiate the data transfer.

API Configuration

Set up the connection by specifying your API endpoint. GoComet will format the data in XML for you, making the integration effortless.

Data Integration

Your API processes the XML data, updating your ERP system with new or modified information. Keep an eye on response status codes, where "2xx" signals successful updates and "4xx" indicates any issues.